Car Accident Fatalities Increased in 2015
- August 11, 2016 @ 3:50 pm
- Written by admingil
- Categories: Accident | Auto Accidents | DUI | Florida | Motor Vehicle Accidents

NHTSA Data Shows Car Accident Fatalities Increased in 2015
On July 1st, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released startling data indicating there were 7.7% more traffic fatalities in 2015 than in 2014. That’s an increase of approximately 3,325 lives lost to car accidents which may have been preventable. While the data is still preliminary and needs to be investigated further, so far, it appears around 94% of traffic deaths were due to human error or negligence.
Curbing Reckless Driving
Reckless driving is an umbrella term that is often tossed about to cover a number of different driving behaviors, just like “human error”. At the wheel, these behaviors can turn a vehicle into a weapon. While driver education and PSAs aim to stomp out some of these negative behaviors, some of them are pretty ingrained—even in regular people who would consider themselves good drivers. So how can the U.S. curb avoidable traffic deaths? The following are some of the most common reckless driving mistakes. Chances are you’ll recognize a few, and if you do, that’s the first step in reducing those behaviors.
Speeding is probably the most common driving mistake. Let’s be honest, most drivers are going 5-10 miles over the speed limit on highways and busy streets. And while it may get us where we are going just a tad bit faster, it actually endangers our lives and the lives of others. Speeding can also be detrimental to gas mileage, too. Florida highways have lenient speed limits for the most part. While being late to work or just anxious to get to your location may make you press the gas pedal a tad harder, keep in mind that speeding means you need more time to stop. Speeding, while it generally seems innocuous, is cited in the majority of car accidents. So slow down. The life you save may be your own.
Rarely does tailgating get the slow driver (or the person actually doing the speed limit) to go any faster. In fact, more than anything, it creates a dangerous situation where both you and the other driver can be harmed. By reducing the distance between two vehicles, you’re giving yourself less time to react. If you tend to tailgate, start giving yourself (and the driver in front of you) more space to safely maneuver if need be. If you find yourself in a situation where someone is tailgating you, pull over if you can and remove yourself from a potentially dangerous situation.
While aggression may be applauded on the Buccaneers’ field, it’s looked down upon on the streets. Aggressive driving behaviors like zig-zagging through traffic, tailgating, speeding, failing to signal, etc., endangers others. If you see someone driving aggressively, steer clear. If their behavior is clearly endangering others, try to note the make and model of their car, their license plate number, and the direction they’re heading in. When you’re pulled over, call the authorities and let them know. Florida is doing its best to end aggressive driving behaviors and educate the public about its dangers, but help from committed citizens can further the project.
Billboards, television PSAs, and driver’s education courses have not yet stamped out drunk driving. Alcohol continues to play a factor in too many traffic collisions. Making designated drivers the norm for all your nights out can help you and your friends arrive safely home. If you’re on the road, there are ways to spot a drunk driver and safely report them to the authorities.
Even if we’re able to eliminate all reckless driving, accidents will still occur. Many lives will be saved, however, some accidents can’t be helped. If you find that you’ve been injured in a car accident, a Tampa car accident attorney can help.
How a Tampa Car Accident Attorney Can Help
Hurt in a car accident? Lost a loved one? You don’t have to face your the future alone. If you are the victim or a reckless or negligent driver or have lost a loved one because of someone else’s actions, a Tampa car accident attorney can help you fight for compensation.
A car accident can change the trajectory of your life. It can take away a loved one or leave you with injuries that can impact the rest of your days. A severe injury may even necessitate expensive medical care and leave you unable to work.
Thankfully, a skilled Tampa car accident attorney can work with you. You shouldn’t have to pay for the actions of a negligent driver—consult a Tampa car accident attorney today to learn more about your legal options and start your claim.