Defective Products and the Latest Baby Carrier Recall

Being a parent is stressful, especially a new parent. You’re tasked with the care of a tiny human incapable of voicing his or her needs in anything other than a cry. You’re faced with numerous choices as to baby seats, baby carriers, strollers, cribs, diapers, and more. And unfortunately, too many baby products show up on recall lists every year. Today, Lenny Lamb issued a recall for its buckle onbu infant carriers.
The infant carrier, which is meant to be used as a baby wearing device, is missing its interior stitching and poses a falling hazard since it is not securely sewn. If you own this carrier, visiting Lenny Lamb’s website and clicking on “recall” should provide you with the appropriate information for returning your carrier. Lenny Lamb is offering a refund or a replacement, but it is imperative that current carriers be retired from use.
How Do Product Defects Happen?
There are three legally recognized ways for a product to be considered defective. These three ways illustrate how different product defects happen.
Design Defect: A design defect occurs during the initial idea phase of product design. For example, a drop-down crib that calls for a panel to unlatch and lower would be considered defective by design since this type of crib has been found to be unsafe.
Manufacturing Defect: A manufacturing defect occurs when faulty materials are used while making the product, when components are left out of a product, of when a product becomes contaminated during the manufacturing process. This is the type of defect Lenny Lamb is facing with its buckle onbu infant carriers.
Marketing Defect: A marketing defect occurs when a product is sold with unclear or incomplete instructions or warnings that then lead to injury through misuse.
What to Do When Faced with a Defective Product
If you’re faced with a defective product, it is important to stop use immediately. Do not try to alter or fix the product, especially if you or someone you love has already been injured by the defective product.
If no one has been injured by the defective product, check to see if it came with a warranty. Many products come with a limited warranty that allows you to return products for a replacement.
If the defective product was recently purchased, you may be able to return it to the retailer, even if it has been opened or used. Most retailers accept returns for defective products as long as the return is made within their return period. Check your receipt for more information.
If you or someone you love has been injured because of a defective product, stop use immediately and consult with a Tampa defective product lawyer.
Consulting with a Tampa Defective Product Lawyer
A Tampa defective product lawyer can help you file a claim for compensation against the designer or seller of a defective product. In product defect cases, compensation can cover medical bills, lost wages, and property damage caused by a defective product.
A defective product can cause serious injury and even death. Too often, companies wait until serious injuries have been reported before enacting a recall, placing too many lives at risk.
If you or someone you love has been injured because of a defective product, reach out to a Tampa defective product lawyer. A skilled professional can help you assess whether you have a claim and tell you more about the civil case process. Don’t wait for another recall before reporting your faulty product. Reach out today.
To learn more about your legal options, contact a Tampa defective product lawyer today.