Help Support Best Buddies of Tampa Bay

We are proud to announce that for the month of February we have partnered with Best Buddies of Tampa Bay as our Charity of the Month.
It’s easy to join the cause and help us support them: For each new “Like” we receive on our Facebook Page and Google+ Page during the month of February, we will donate $1* to Best Buddies of Tampa Bay.
Best Buddies Tampa Bay is a nonprofit that creates one-to-one friendships, promotes inclusion, integrated employment and leadership development for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) here throughout Tampa and internationally.
Want to learn more or support them directly? Visit their website now.
Do you know a deserving Tampa Bay charity that we should feature as our “Charity of the Month”? Share your recommendation with us now.
*We are committed to donating up to a maximum of $1,000 during the month of February for new Facebook likes and additions to Google+ circles.