How To Spot A Drunk Driver
- May 12, 2016 @ 12:26 pm
- Written by admingil
- Categories: Accident | Auto Accidents | DUI | Motor Vehicle Accidents | Police

It’s amazing to think that with the popularity of Uber and the massive amounts of PSAs by MADD and other organizations to curb drunk driving that it is still an issue of our roads. Unfortunately, people still drive drunk. And while we have no tolerance for such dangerous behavior that can result not only in personal harm but in injuries to unsuspecting motorists, we thought it would be helpful to pinpoint some possible drunk driver behaviors to watch out for while you’re on the road.
How To Tell If Someone Is Driving Drunk
The most obvious way to tell if someone is driving while under the influence is to physically see them drinking and then get into their car and drive away. But what if you’re cruising down the highway and you see something? MADD lists the following behaviors as possible drunk driving behaviors. These are also some of the signs that a police officer may use to determine whether to pull someone over for suspicion of drunk driving.
- The driver accelerates or decelerates quickly.
- The driver is tailgating you or another car.
- The driver is haphazardly weaving across lanes of traffic.
- The driver is driving on the shoulder of the road.
- The driver has almost collided with another vehicle or object.
- The driver’s braking is erratic.
- The driver is drifting in and out of different lanes.
- The driver is failing to signal properly.
- The driver is having difficulty with traffic signals.
- The driver is in more than one lane at a time.
- The driver doesn’t have their headlights on at night.
- The driver is swerving dangerously.
- The driver is going more than 10 mph below the speed limit.
- The driver is making illegal turns or abrupt turns.
- The driver is on the wrong side of the road.
While many of these can also be a sign of a poor driver and not necessarily an intoxicated one, they are someone to avoid regardless. So how do you do that? How can you stay safe—and keep others safe—when some people continue to choose to drive drunk?
What Do You Do If You See Someone Driving Drunk
If you see someone who you suspect to be driving under the influence, or possibly just driving recklessly, your first response should be to stay clear. Do not approach them or try to pass the vehicle.
If you are safely able to get their information, such as the make and model of their car, their license plate, their current location, and the direction in which they are headed, take a mental note and pull over to the side of the road. Call 911 and give them the information you have and describe the other driver’s behavior so the authorities are properly informed of the situation.
If You Are Injured By a Drunk Driver, Consult With a Tampa Personal Injury Lawyer
It’s hard to be attentive of every driver on the road. You can’t always know who’s paying attention, who’s texting, or who is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. And it’s not your responsibility to know.
If you are harmed because of a drunk driver, it goes without saying that it wasn’t your fault. You have the right to sue the negligent driver for any injuries to you or your property. If a drunk driver’s gross negligence has caused you to miss work, incur medical bills, or led to the death of a loved one, know that there’s a dedicated legal team ready to help you attain the justice you deserve.
Consulting with a Tampa personal injury lawyer that specializes in drunk driving accidents can help you down the road to recovery. Don’t let mounting medical bills or injury get the better of you. Let a Tampa personal injury lawyer help you take your life back.