John Bales Attorneys attends FAPIA 2015 Spring Training Conference

The Florida Association of Public Insurance Adjuster’s “FAPIA 2015 Spring Training Conference” serves as a platform for Public Adjusters to refresh their knowledge of best practices, get up to speed on legislative policy, and learn of recent updates to case law. It is the first of the two FAPIA Conferences that take place each year. This year’s two day spring conference took place at the Kovens Conference Center on the campus of Florida International University in Aventura, FL.
FAPIA 2015 Spring Training Conference
The John Bales Attorneys team took part as attendees, exhibitors, presenters, and sponsors. The 2015 Spring Training Conference representatives included John Bales and Insurance Dispute Attorney Matt Jacobs.
Over the two days, they attended break out sessions to review case law, best practices, and discussed strategies with other attorneys.
In the exhibition hall, John and Matt showed their support for the Public Adjusters giving away prizes and answering questions. They enjoyed meeting face to face with Florida Public Insurance Adjusters.
One of many highlights was the “Don’t Drop the Ball on Contract Requirements and Performance” Presentation by John Bales. The presentation focused on the legal requirements of the Public Adjusters Services Agreement. It was well received by conference attendees. John reviewed the Services Agreement contract between Insurance Adjusters and policy holders in detail during his presentation, and provided the attendees with a copy for their own use.
The law firm was able to present the Services Agreement to the Florida Department of Financial Services (DFS). DFS had no objections to the terms of the agreement.
Getting to know and introduce himself to the Insurance Adjuster community was the real highlight for Attorney Matt Jacobs. He enjoyed talking to the Public Adjusters and other Attorneys in the field. Many discussions involved the challenges and strategies surrounding the filing of Civil Remedy Notices, and how to better advocate for policy holder during site inspections. This is especially important in light of the new legal landscape. Matt added that “the food was good as well.”
Florida Professional Insurance Adjusters
Who are Professional Insurance Adjusters? In essence they are individual licensed by the State of Florida to review damages and assist in negotiations. The full legal definition according to Florida Statute 626.854 (a) follows:
“A ‘public adjuster’ is any person, except a duly licensed attorney at law as exempted under s. 626.860, who, for money, commission, or any other thing of value, prepares, completes, or files an insurance claim form for an insured or third-party claimant or who, for money, commission, or any other thing of value, acts on behalf of, or aids an insured or third-party claimant in negotiating for or effecting the settlement of a claim or claims for loss or damage covered by an insurance contract or who advertises for employment as an adjuster of such claims. The term also includes any person who, for money, commission, or any other thing of value, solicits, investigates, or adjusts such claims on behalf of a public adjuster.”
John Bales Attorneys looks forward to attending the FAPIA 2015 Fall Training Conference later this year.
Be sure to visit the FAPIA website for more information.