Nursing Home Abuse (Residents’ Rights)
- August 28, 2017 @ 4:17 pm
- Written by admingil
- Categories: Florida | Neglect Nursing Home Abuse | Your Rights

Sadly, many senior citizens are the victims of nursing home abuse. Seniors are a particularly vulnerable group and are often not fully advised of their rights. Residents may not even realize they are being abused by their nursing home. Under section 400.022, Florida Statutes, nursing home residents are entitled to a basic set of rights that promotes safety, privacy and autonomy. Nursing homes must make public a statement of these residents’ rights.
Many nursing home lawsuits result due to a violation of these rights by the nursing home or its staff. It is important that you are aware of these rights, if you are a nursing home resident or a family member, in order to take appropriate legal action and to protect yourself or your loved one. These rights include, but are not limited to:
- The right to independent personal decision.
- The right to private and uncensored communication.
- The right to participate in social, religious and community activities.
- The right to manage his or her own financial affairs.
- The right to be adequately informed of his or her medical condition and proposed treatment.
- The right to refuse medication or treatment.
- The right to receive adequate healthcare and protective and support services.
- The right to have privacy in treatment.
If you or your loved one suspects that any of these rights, or others, were violated by the nursing home, please advise your nursing home abuse attorney so we can better pursue your case.
Contact John Bales Attorneys for help today. If you would like a FREE consultation about a case and additional information go to