Slip’N Slide & Kiddie Pool Safety Tips

As the summer heats up, one of the easiest ways to entertain your family and keep them cool at the same time is to set up a Slip’N slide or kiddie pool in the backyard. But just like any activity that involves water, these popular summer pastimes can be highly dangerous if proper safety procedures are not followed.
- Eliminate hazards from the area– Before setting up a kiddie pool or Slip’N Slide, clear the ground of tripping hazards such as sticks, rocks and other sharp items. Be sure to remove objects from the area within a few feet of the pool or Slip’N Slide – kids will be walking and running here, most likely without shoes.
- Supervise children at all times– While you may want to take some time for yourself while your kids are splashing around, leaving them without adult supervision isn’t a good idea. Even if it’s only a few inches deep, the water in a kiddie pool or the water that collects at the end of a Slip’N Slide can pose a drowning risk for kids.
- Dry and store your kiddie pool or Slip’N Slide after each use– Going along with the last tip, you should always empty the water out of your kiddie pool or Slip’N Slide and put it away when your family is done enjoying it. You will ensure that your kids and other children in the neighborhood can’t use it when no one is watching, which will prevent accidents.
- Keep in mind that Slip’N Slides are not made for teens and adults– Have you ever noticed that the Slip’N Slide box states that the product is for use by children only? Over the years, there have been several cases of teens and adults suffering severe neck injuries or even paralysis after stopping suddenly on a Slip’N Slide because they were too tall or heavy for the toy
It is our hope that these tips will help you to protect your family against accidents and injuries this summer.
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