So You Think You Can Drive?
- December 8, 2015 @ 2:13 pm
- Written by admingil
- Categories: Accident | Auto Accidents | Florida | Motor Vehicle Accidents

According to the experts, 1 in 10 U.S. drivers do not own a license.
Every single day, our highways and roads are rumbling with cars, motorcycles and other vehicles. And we are not even mentioning millions of pedestrians evolving on the road facilities.
Millions of traffic tickets against drivers and countless car accidents are part of this messy balance. But among us, unlicensed drivers play Russian roulette by sitting behind the wheel.
Whether their reasons are financial or legal (revoked or suspended licenses), countless drivers make the dangerous choice of driving without their license and/or with no car insurance.
Remember: Florida counts more than 16 million drivers. Imagine all those vehicles going back and forth on the roads while you are making your way through, add the extremely unstable human factor, and it won’t be difficult to imagine why road facilities are incredibly dangerous places to be.
In 2013, 316,943 traffic crashes happened in Florida. Distracted driving is one of the main reasons why car accidents happen so frequently in Florida just like anywhere else. However, despite all the precautions YOU might take, an accident is an accident: You have no control over someone else’s mistakes, whether it is caused by stress or a lack of driving abilities.
Indeed, if being focused on the road is essential to the security of everyone, just imagine the situation in which unlicensed drivers put themselves into. Being consumed by stress every time you are on the road because you know you have no right to do so. Pretty distracting, don’t you agree?
Numbers That Speak For Themselves
“According to an AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety study, “18.2% of fatal crashes involved a driver who was unlicensed or invalidly licensed; these crashes resulted in the deaths of 21,049 people.”
They also found that “unlicensed drivers and drivers whose licenses have been suspended or revoked are significantly more likely to be involved in fatal crashes than are validly-licensed drivers”.
In other words, if you were involved in a car accident with someone who was driving with no license, you could help potential future victims by reporting unlicensed drivers. Maybe your car accident was just about scratches on your old car’s paint, but someone else might not be so lucky next time.
That being said, you or your loved ones should never be responsible for other people’s reckless decisions and actions.
If you have been involved in an auto accident in Tampa, St. Petersburg, Clearwater or anywhere else in Florida, and if the car accident involves an unlicensed driver, our experienced car accident lawyers will work with you to reduce your stress.
If you are ever involved in a car accident, you will need the help of legal specialists. We know exactly how to address collisions involving unlicensed drivers.
Take immediate action and seek experienced and dedicated legal representation. John Bales Attorneys will help you through this difficult time so you can focus on leaving the accident behind.
Call us now for a free case evaluation.