Study Shows Increase in Bicycle Accident Rates
- November 19, 2014 @ 4:16 pm
- Written by admingil
- Categories: Bicycle Accidents | Florida | Police

New studies are showing there’s an increasing trend of Florida bicycle accidents occurring. In fact, the state has one of the highest bicycle accident rates in the nation.
Researchers with the Governors Highway Safety Association looked at motor vehicle collisions from across the nation and determined the Florida bicycle accident count was only behind California—with 329 accidents between 2010 and 2012. There was a 16 percent increase in bicyclist fatalities during that same time period, as compared to the one percent increase in motorist deaths that was recorded.
So what does this mean for cyclists in the state of Florida? The Tampa personal injury lawyers with John Bales Attorneys point out it could suggest bicyclists need to take extra precautions to avoid injury or death in the event of an accident. Some things bicyclists can do include:
- Wear a Helmet – Studies show this single piece of safety equipment can effectively reduce the chances of death in an accident by as much as 60 percent.
- Use a Light – An article from WPTV 5 News says law enforcement officers in Florida are pulling over cyclists operating bikes without a headlight during dark hours. They are also providing lights to cyclists who can’t afford such equipment. It may also be wise to equip your bicycle with reflectors.
- Obey All Traffic Signals – This means coming to a complete halt at stop signs and red lights, even if you’re turning right.
We hope these tips help keep you safe on your bicycle along Florida’s roads and highways.